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Welcome to the fitting room of reality for personal development

So you are a interested in improving yourself? Outstanding!

Let's just measure you up and see what we have in your size today then shall we?

House & Home 0138 (6K)
Do you know that the first thing you have to do for personal development, when you want to improve yourself, is to be happy with yourself. That way your self will be more inclined to help you change. The best example personal development plan is to be what you want to be while you are trying to be it.

While you are thinking about that have a glance at our style recommendations.

Exciting styles
Classic accessories
Sartorial faux pas
  1. Knowing what you want to improve, why and how
  2. Being able to describe your goals and the benefits of change
  3. Knowing and sharing the real time-scales and what is driving them
  4. Knowing how much time and effort you have to put into this
  5. Pruning away unnecessary improvements and things you don't really want
  6. Getting to know the people around you and what inspires them will inspire you
  7. Understanding and predicting consequences based on cause and effect
  8. Being realistic about temporary setbacks and turning them into learning opportunities
  9. Separating what you think you should be from what you really want to be
  1. Communication with yourself and others
  2. Negotiating with yourself and others
  3. Collaboration with yourself and others
  4. Compromising with yourself and others
  5. Coaching yourself
  6. Planning your trajectory
  7. Knowing what it will take
  8. Getting to know change is the journey and the destination
  9. Visualising what you want
  10. Prioritising what you really want
  11. Learning to let go of limiting doubts
  12. Listening to good advice
  13. Decisive action
  14. Recognising progress
  15. Doing what is effective
  16. Courage
  17. Honesty
  18. A sense of humour
  19. Optimism
  1. Dependency on others to do it for you
  2. Dependency on wishful thinking
  3. Waiting for 100% certainty while time runs out
  4. Believing spin
  5. Inaction
  6. Continuing to do what is not working
  7. Underestimating friends and friendship as a transformational force
  8. Arrogance
  9. Impatience
  10. Procrastination in the face of readiness
  11. Not accepting help
  12. Being ashamed of what you are doing
  13. Just trying to change one thing in isolation
  14. Being too hard on yourself

The trousers of reality is particularly useful for personal development because it shows you how to make everything you do in every situation something that you can learn from. It shows you how principles used in business, art, science and philosophy can be put to work for you and immediately hands you the key to all of them. Your readiness to learn and adapt is the critical measurement. What you need to do is to get really good at knowing what to use and how, where and when to use it. You need a trousers with lots of pockets for all the handy tools you pick up as you go. You need a trousers that comes with a toolbelt that you can simply use straight away but that will become more and more effective as your own skill grows.

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned veteran you will feel new hope and encouragement that change is good and natural. The fact that you have the courage to seek and embrace change tells us that you are ready for grown up trousers. So try these trousers on and as fashions change you can find that they are functional, comfortable, elastic and flexible in ways that you have only dreamed of.

Fashion 322 (2K)
Your trousers - the trousers of reality.....

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